av Haruki Kudo | feb 16, 2018 | English, Kunngjøringer, Nyheter
The world is becoming more global, different cultures are mixed in big cities as well as in tiny towns and villages. Yet, origins and roots are still important and it may create a conflict. – When I lived in the US, I suffered from the identity crisis, «Am I a...
av Katrine Spolén Juva | mar 6, 2017 | English, Kunngjøringer, Nyheter
Lately the safety at student accommodations as Haukelandsbakken and Fantoft has been discussed among international students in Bergen. BSTV wanted to find out how students living at Fantoft felt about the safety and security there. So, we caught up with some students...
av tor.rand | des 3, 2015 | English, Kunngjøringer, Nyheter
Christmas has arrived and many Norwegians are ready to wear their fancy outfits to impress their co-workers, family and friends during the famous feast, julebord. Julebord is a traditional Norwegian celebration that takes place every year during the end of November...
av Steven Bitter | nov 24, 2015 | English, Kultur, Kunngjøringer
From the 19th to the 22nd of November, Piksel15 was a big happening in Bergen. It is an annually organised event for artists and developers who work with free and open source software, hardware and art. This year’s theme is Get A-life!, where the A stands for...
av tor.rand | nov 10, 2015 | English, Nyheter
Lykkepromille started in 2012 as an aim to reduce the consumption of alcohol among Norwegian students. This program is promoted by the Health service and SIB. The Students’ Health and Welfare Survey from 2010 revealed that the students drinking culture and habits in...
av Steven Bitter | nov 10, 2015 | English, Kultur, Kunngjøringer
In 2014, Norway’s Ministry of Culture issued a recommendation asking to allow poker home games, small poker tournaments, and a national poker event inside the country. Back then, many speculated that the Norwegian Poker Championships, which had been held on...