Bergen Student-TV er en studentorganisasjon som lager fjernsyn av og for studenter i Bergen. Vi henvender oss til alle utdanningsinstitusjonene i byen, og har også medarbeidere fra de fleste skolene.
Formålet vårt er å knytte tettere bånd mellom Bergen by og studentene ved å gjøre både studentene og bybildet tydeligere for hverandre. Vi ønsker også å gi studentene et innblikk i hverandres hverdag, på tvers av utdanningsinstitusjonene de tilhører.
Vi hadde vår første sending i april 2003, og var på luften ukentlig på BTV-kanalen frem til denne ble nedlagt i 2009. Etter dette har vi produsert saker daglig på nett. Fra 2017 har vi også ukentlige sendinger på Fatstone TV.
For tiden er vi omlag 80 medlemmer fordelt på styret og de seks redaksjonene.
In English:
Bergen Student-TV is an organization that creates television by and for students in Bergen. As one of the few student media we turn to all student institutions in the city. In our preamble it is a central intention to build closer ties between Bergen and the students by making students more apparent in the city picture, and the city picture more apparent for the students. At the same time we want to give students an insight into each other’s everyday life, across the institutions they belong to.
We had our first broadcast in April 2003, and have since then been on the air weekly on BTV until shutdown. As of today, we are online on, and produce cases daily.
Today we are about 80 members, divided into our six editorials.
As a member of Bergen Student-TV you can choose between these six, depending on what your interests are. If you are interested in working as a reporter you should apply to the news – and sports editorial staff or the culture editorial staff. If you are interested in being behind the camera you should apply to photo editing or multi-camera editing. If you have an actor in you, is an entertainer or maybe you want to write your own script, you should apply to the entertainment editorial staff. If you like marketing and promoting we also have a PR-group.
If you have any more questions do not hesitate to ask.