One in every five students is suffering from emotional stress and feel that there’s too much pressure on them to succeed.
To highlight this Samfunnet started the semester with a lecture on how pressure to perform has left many students feeling emotional distress. The talk was given by eminent Professor of Medicine Per Fugelli and Oda Faremo Lindholm author of the Bullshit Filter. Both argue that too much pressure on people to be the best has left many with unrealistic life goals that remain unfulfilled. Students are most at risk with many trying to balance life, work and studies while trying to be successful.
– I put it on myself
Most students feel stressed by not meeting deadlines, having too much to accomplish and comparing themselves to others. Prof. Fugelli writes, in Nokpunktet (Money Point) that the trick is to seek out just enough so you don’t feel too much pressure. However this remains a hard thing to do for many. Student know they do stress themselves out and still do it anyway.
– What I was doing for my masters, I thought I would be done with and I’m not. It is an added stress.
As Ms. Lindholm also writes that there has been a growing pressure on girls for outward perfection that has led to stress.
– Stress is associated with Mental and physical syndrome and disorders.
According to Dominic Sagne, Department of Psychosocial Science, stress will have terrible effects on your body and mind if you fail to deal with it effectively Mr. Sagne suggests that exercise, recreation and contacting counselling services is the best way to relieve the pressure that is on you as a student. He also insists that drinking and smoking do not help but can exasperate stress. Most students go running, listen to music, spend time with friends and bake cakes to relieve their stress.
Also SiB offers counselling services on career, finance and personal problems: