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The long Easter break gives many students time to relax and go on holiday, but some take this time to study.

During Easter Break many students desert the University of Bergen (UiB) for the mountains. They have more than a week off to relax without classes.

Easter holidays consists of four public holidays, giving many the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family.

Take a break

Ingrid Kvia Reime (UiB), who is in her 1st year of social science says its a little annoying she is studying while her friends are at home or in the mountains. The 21 year old student is starting to get a little bored, and would like to go home to Stavanger but she reasons why not

–  I’m going there soon. And I should study.

First year law student, Ole Martin Juul Slyngdadli (22) says it is important to take time off.

–  I didn’t have the chance to go up in the mountains and do some skiing

Time Management

Ole Martin says, at the faculty of law, you always feel like you are playing catch up.

–  If I didn’t do a good work now. I won’t have the grounds for later. Many of the subjects we have now are building on each other.

He thinks if he does not learn them now, he will just have to do even more work later.

Falling Behind

Elling Sucarrat, first year law student UiB, says that he did not put enough work in and now has to spend his holidays catching up. During the last few months, he has been busy outside of University and now needs to change his focus.

–  I’m working on this project with a couple of friends of mine and this has taken a lot of time.

This is why he has not had the time to study for his exam in a few weeks.

Most will leave soon

Many of the Students BSTV spoke to said they were soon leaving as well.

The University of Bergen campus is quite empty during this time. The library’s are closed and most students enjoy going back home.

–  If you want to read, you can read anywhere.


Even though Ingrid Kvia Reime (UiB), is in her first year she feels the pressure. She is worried that she has not done enough already, and feels that even when she is relaxing. She worries about her studies.

–  I’ve just realised how much I have to read, but my exams aren’t for some time.
